Federal Government Employee Contacts

Jurisdiction: Canada
Source: Shared Services Canada

This dataset includes 166 thousand employees worked in Government of Canada. Each employee is disclosed with name, telephone, email, address, department, organization, etc.


Full Name Position Department Address
Stephen Passy Manager, North Programs Infrastructure Canada INFC, 1100 - 180 Kent Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 0B6
Laura Robbins Program Analyst Infrastructure Canada 180 Kent Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 0B6
Noelle Pauli Junior Analyst Infrastructure Canada 1100 - 180 Kent St., Ottawa, Ontario K1P 0B6
Carina Lao Junior Analyst Infrastructure Canada 1100 - 180 Kent St., Ottawa, Ontario K1P 0B6
Duncan MacQuarrie Junior Analyst Infrastructure Canada 1100 - 180 Kent St., Ottawa, Ontario K1P 0B6
Alexandre Carrière Senior Analyst Infrastructure Canada 1100 - 180 Kent St., Ottawa, Ontario K1P 0B6
Ryan Phillips Senior Engineer Infrastructure Canada 1100 - 180 Kent St., Ottawa, Ontario K1P 0B6
Mary Shawna Wilson Junior Analyst Infrastructure Canada 1100 - 180 Kent St., Ottawa, Ontario K1P 0B6