This dataset includes 12.4 thousand employees worked in public sectors of Government of Ontario. Each employee is disclosed with employeer, job title, salary, etc.
Name | Employer | Position | Salary |
Thomas Teahen | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | President and Chief Executive Officer\Président-directeur général | 440078 |
John Denham | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Chief Investment Officer\Chef des placements | 433195 |
Tom Bell | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Chief Risk Officer\Chef du risque | 359253 |
Kate Lamb | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Chief Corporate Services Officer\Chef des services généraux | 350984 |
Brian P Jarvis | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Chief Operating Officer\Chef de l'exploitation | 342813 |
Susanna Zagar | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Chief Strategy Officer and Analytics Officer\Chef de la stratégie et de l’analytique | 342651 |
Pamela Steer | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Chief Financial Officer\Chef de finances | 339253 |
Jennifer C. Anderson | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Chief Service Excellence Officer\Chef de l'excellence des services | 331273 |
Samantha Liscio | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Chief Technology and Innovation Officer\Chef de la technologie et de l’innovation | 311556 |
Donald Blue | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Vice President and Chief Actuary\Vice-président et actuaire en chef | 266970 |
Steven Jackson | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Special Advisor to President and Chief Executive Officer\Conseiller spécial du président-directeur général | 265896 |
Mark Moody | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Vice President Corporate Compliance\Vice-président, Conformité organisationnelle | 263002 |
J. Colin Grant | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | General Counsel\Avocat général | 261410 |
Rodney Cook | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Vice President Workplace Health and Safety Services\Vice-président, Santé et sécurité au travail | 255548 |
Robert Hannon | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Vice President Financial Planning and Operations\Vice-président, Planification et opérations financières | 235933 |
Giuli Pegolo | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Vice President Information Technology Operations\Vice-présidente, Opérations de technologie de l'information | 235032 |
Scott D. Bujeya | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Vice President Health Services\Vice-président, Services de santé | 234000 |
Harp Ahluwalia | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Vice President Information Technology Solutions\Vice-président, Solutions de technologie de l’information | 233609 |
Janine Dyck | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Vice President Employer Account Services\Vice-présidente, Services des comptes des employeurs | 231243 |
Robert J. Timlin | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Vice President Case Management\Vice-président, Gestion des cas | 231208 |
Donna Holmes | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Vice President Human Resources\Vice-présidente, Ressources humaines | 230998 |
Evie Docouto | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Vice President Return to Work\Vice-présidente, Retour au travail | 229028 |
Ernest Chui | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Vice President Financial Reporting\Vice-président, Information financière | 228049 |
Diane Weber | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Director Chair's Office and Corporate Secretary\Directrice, Bureau de la présidente du conseil et secrétaire générale | 225235 |
Patricia Mckenna-Boot | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Medical Director Clinical Services\Directrice médicale, Services cliniques | 224811 |
Angela Powell | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Vice President Policy and Consultation Services Division\Vice-présidente, Division des politiques et des services de consultation | 223207 |
Armando Fatigati | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Vice President Complex Claims\Vice-président, Dossiers complexes | 221657 |
Judith Adams | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Vice President Corporate Finance\Vice-présidente, Finances générales | 219916 |
Aaron Thompson | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Medical Director Occupational Disease\Directeur médical, Maladies professionnelles | 218562 |
Christina Hoy | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Vice President Corporate Business Information and Analytics\Vice-présidente, Méthodes analytiques et information de gestion générales | 214197 |
Theodosios Aslanidis | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Vice President Strategic Sourcing and Facilities\Vice-président, Détermination stratégique des sources d’approvisionnement et installations | 211980 |
Aaron Lazarus | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Vice President Communications and Intergovernmental Affairs\Vice-président, Communications et affaires intergouvernementales | 207593 |
Robert Cooper | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Vice President Strategy and Enterprise Portfolio Management Office\Vice-président, Stratégie et Bureau de gestion des portefeuilles d’entreprise | 207045 |
Slavica Todorovic | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Vice President Appeals Services Division\Vice-présidente, Division des services d'appel | 203216 |
Malcolm Macdonald | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Director Investment Administration\Directeur, Administration des placements | 203106 |
Sean Baird | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Vice President Employer Account Services\Vice-présidente, Services des comptes des employeurs | 202549 |
Michael Johnston | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Executive Director Regulatory Services\Directeur général, Services de réglementation | 201417 |
Michael Braude | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Vice President Internal Audit\Vice-président, Vérification interne | 199509 |
Joanne Lam | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Executive Director Business Improvement or Procedures\Directrice générale, Améliorations ou procédures d’affaires | 197470 |
Eve Bercovitch | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Associate General Counsel\Avocate générale associée | 196896 |
Carmen Mancini | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Executive Director Operations\Directeur général Opérations | 193739 |
Demetrios Kalantzis | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Executive Director Health Care and Recovery Integration\Directeur général, Intégration des soins de santé et du rétablissement | 190503 |
Elizabeth Witmer | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Chair\Présidente du conseil | 189028 |
Richard Morrison | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Executive Director Health Services\Directeur exécutif, Services de santé | 183909 |
Jean-Serge Bidal | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Executive Director Corporate Risk Management Services\Directeur général, Services de gestion du risque organisationnel | 180385 |
Eric Kupka | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Legal Counsel III\Avocat III | 178024 |
Allyson Mckeever | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Vice President Internal Audit\Vice-présidente, Audit interne | 177500 |
Frank Veltri | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Vice President Case Management\Vice-président, Gestion des cas | 176645 |
Susan Kay-Dunn | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Executive Director Pensions and Jointly Sponsored Pension Plan Project\Directrice générale, Pensions et projet de régime de retraite conjoint | 176298 |
Paul Filkiewicz | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Special Advisor\Conseiller spécial | 175182 |
Leslie Morgan | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Executive Director Human Resources Operations and Analytics\Directrice exécutive, Opérations et analyses des ressources humaines | 173635 |
Christine Tso | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Executive Director Enterprise Compliance\Directrice générale, Conformité organisationnelle | 172743 |
John Genise | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Executive Director Operations\Directeur général Opérations | 171647 |
Keith Subryan | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Executive Director Operations\Directeur général Opérations | 171021 |
Omair Tahir | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Director Infrastructure Services\Directeur, Services d'infrastructures | 170300 |
Lisa Inness | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Director Planning and Architecture\Directrice, Planification et architecture | 169194 |
Concetta Galdame | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Executive Director Contact Centre\Directrice exécutive, Centre de contact | 168152 |
Vince Jordan | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Director Business Solutions Services\Directeur, Services de solutions d’affaires | 167724 |
Craig Batten | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Director Business Solutions Services\Directeur, Services de solutions d’affaires | 167524 |
Irene Dias | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Director Operations\Directrice, Opérations | 166893 |
Ted Chang | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Manager Enterprise Architecture\Chef de service, Architecture d'entreprise | 166835 |
Maureen Mullen | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Executive Director Operations\Directrice générale, Opérations | 166690 |
Joe Cichello | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Assistant Director Operations\Directeur adjoint, Opérations | 165959 |
Gregg Horne | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Legal Counsel III\Avocat III | 165452 |
Stephen Nicol | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Legal Counsel III\Avocat III | 165452 |
Michael Scarbeau | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Project Director\Directeur de projet | 165013 |
Patricia D. Blanchard | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Vice President Channel Solutions\Vice-présidente, Solutions multicanaux | 164705 |
Madelena Araujo | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Executive Director Operations\Directrice générale, Opérations | 164519 |
Michael Desbiens | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Executive Director Operations Technology Sustainment\Directeur exécutif, Maintien de la technologie des opérations | 164383 |
Daniel Di Nardo | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Director Information Technology Production Support\Directeur, Soutien à la production de technologie de l'information | 163024 |
Terrance D'souza | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Executive Director Advanced Analytics\Directeur exécutif, Analyse avancée | 162729 |
Jason Way | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Director Information Technology Solutions Engineering\Directeur, Ingénierie des solutions de technologie de l'information | 162392 |
Cathy Wright | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Executive Director Operations\Directrice générale, Opérations | 162355 |
Dennis Lemon | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Vice President Customer Experience and Service Excellence\Vice-président, Expérience de la clientèle et excellence du service | 161899 |
Rosanna Muia | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Executive Director Specialized Customer Services\Directrice exécutive, Services à la clientèle spécialisés | 161899 |
Barclay (Barr Koen-Butt | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Director Communications\Directeur, Communications | 161889 |
Steven Ferrigni | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Director Information Security\Directeur, Sécurité de l'information | 161776 |
Jean-Denis Belec | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Legal Counsel III\Avocat III | 161236 |
Scott Wentzell | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Medical Consultant\Médecin consultant | 161051 |
Michael Ash | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Director Business Solutions Services\Directeur, Services de solutions d’affaires | 160508 |
Leonardo Grbac | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Medical Consultant\Médecin consultant | 160281 |
Roman Preobrazenski | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Medical Consultant\Médecin consultant | 160281 |
Brian Staffen | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Director Investment Accounting\Directeur, Comptabilité des placements | 160078 |
June Duesburry-Porter | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Director Professional Practice and Chief Nursing Officer\Directrice, Pratique professionnelle et infirmière en chef | 159339 |
Cheryl Norman | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Executive Director Operations\Directrice générale, Opérations | 159137 |
Kent Glowinski | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Director Privacy Office\Directeur, Bureau de la protection de la vie privée | 158689 |
Karen Bailey | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Vice President Investments\Vice-présidente, Placements | 158251 |
Jackson Lun | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Executive Director Financial Programs and Systems\Directeur général, Programmes et systèmes financiers | 157923 |
Gregory Bullen | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Legal Counsel III\Avocat III | 157385 |
Paul Field | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Director Operations\Directeur, Opérations | 157107 |
Lapo Calamai | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Director Enterprise Risk Analytics and Decision Support\Directeur, Soutien du processus décisionnel et de l’analyse du risque d’entreprise | 156842 |
Linda Burke | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Business Consultant Finance\Experte-conseil en affaires, Finances | 156702 |
Salvatore Cavaricci | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Director Operations\Directeur, Opérations | 156516 |
Margaret Anne Cowan | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Director Strategic Procurement\Directrice, Approvisionnement stratégique | 156407 |
Lisa Dymond | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Director Human Resources Business and Labour Relations\Directrice, Ressources humaines, Relations avec les entreprises et les syndicats | 156204 |
Lella Conte | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Director Business Analytics\Directrice, Méthodes analytiques de gestion | 156188 |
Pushpinder Bhatia | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Director Testing\Directeur, Test | 155255 |
Ray Alan Ying | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Director Actuarial Services\Directreur, Services d'actuariat | 154221 |
Denise Caron-Adam | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Executive Director Issues Management\Directrice exécutive, Gestion des problèmes | 153280 |
Linda Hall | Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Director Financial Reporting\Directrice, Communication de l’information financière | 152966 |